Our mission? To deliver the highest quality dental crown designs at the click of a button.
Pioneering dental AI, we’re making advanced technology accessible to every dentist and lab.
With multiple patents treated, we’re not just part of the future; we’re creating it.
Intellident Dentaire Inc. was founded in 2018 to build the future.
We’re revolutionizing dental restorations with our cutting-edge 3D artificial intelligence, trained by world-class Master Dental Technicians.

Haim Keren, MDT
President of Kerenor Dental Studio. Creating dental restorations based on over 30 years of experience, providing data for the project.

Julia Keren, B.Ed
Co-President of Kerenor Dental Studio. Project coordinator.

Nathaniel Lasry, PhD
Nathaniel Lasry is a trained theoretical particle physicist who completed a PhD in cognitive science (McGill, 2006). After 22 years as a professor of physics Dr. Lasry left all academic appointments to spearhead the development of AI-driven medical solutions.

François Guibault, Prof.
An expert in geometric modeling, mesh generation, and numerical simulations. His research work, combined with his recent work in artificial intelligence, also impacts the health sector, most recently in the modeling of dental arches and crowns.

Farnoosh Ghadiri, PhD
Farnoosh was an industrial post-doc on our project

Imane Chafi
Doctoral Student at Polytechnique Montreal. Research subject : Multimodal generation of dental preparations using deep learning models.

Ying Zhang, PhD
Research Associate. Working on intraoral scan segmentation using deep learning and training data preparation for a crown generation.

Rosie Morissette
Rosie is an AI engineer and data scientist on our project

Dr. Ammar Alsheghri
Ammar worked on training 3D deep learning models for teeth segmentation, feature line extraction from 3D surfaces, and crown generation.

Bertin Colpron
Bachelor in Computer Engineering. Specialist in programming and software engineering. Specializing in C++, Python and JavaScript; design and architecture of complete software stacks; and agile software development.

Golriz Hosseinimanesh
Doctoral Student at Polytechnique Montreal.